The Unexpected Benefits of a Toxic Workplace
How to survive a hellish environment and make it work for you
In some workplaces, the toxicity is obvious and upfront — harassment, sexism, and even racism and abuse.
In others, however, it is shrouded. Lurking just below the surface of a seemingly happy workforce, so engrained in the culture that there is no single perpetrator, but rather an entire ecosystem of venom almost organically built and often maintained by those most affected.
Not necessarily bad people doing bad things — but okay-ish people who have been so indoctrinated into a culture of gaslighting, micro-management, anxiety and mistrust, that it’s the only way they know how to work.
This latter situation is more commonly found in smaller teams, or those who have been working together for so long that their bonds extend well outside of company hours — creating an almost clique-like environment where new ‘outsiders’ are unwelcome or seen to not fit into the culture.
We’re like a family!
We’re a bit old school!
We work hard, play hard!
With large swaths of the corporate world now working from home either full time or as part of a hybrid model, what was a workplace exclusive environment is…